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5:37 a.m. / July 28, 2006 - - loving it all

Civilization, society, these things dictate to their inhabitants what is and is not possible. Twenty-five hundred years ago we had gods and heroes of great might and magical ability. Society said it was possible. Society insisted that it was possible. And so it was possible, and such was the frame of possibility at that time. That a man might stand up and rise above being simply a man, that a man might take all of the power and the wisdom that is right and front of him and use it as he pleases. Maybe the only reason, the ONLY reason that we can't walk on water, that we can't fly, isn't because we are physically incapable but because we are mentally incapable at this point in our societal structure; because physicality is nothing if you're mentally capable. Sad thing is, through societal conditioning our mental capabilities are beaten to a fraction of their potential. DonotCannotImpossibleNoDon'tdothatStopthat. The power and the wisdom are still there. If you can rise above the shit you can unlock them. If you can rise above caring what other people think of you. Realize that we are all one, that we exist in our own seperate headspaces but that we are all one being, one consciousness, interconnected. Sit down and think about all of the connections in your life. All of the people you know, and the people they know, and so on down the line, and hey, maybe some of the people you know also know other people you know, and those people know other people you know but you don't even realize that they do. And some day years from now you'll piece it all together holding your heads in your head whimpering My God, my God, My God... it's everywhere. Do you think you are flying? Do you truly believe? Then you are flying.

High School fucks your social life right in the ass. It teaches you to be in a clique. To find a close group of friends that are like you and to stick with them. I was lucky. I found a group of people who basically, just didn't fit in anywhere else. Not fully. And neither did I. The only place I fit in was with other square pegs. Or triangle pegs. Or anything, please god, anything but another fucking circle, because if I have to hear about engines and football and EGOS one more time I swear to god I'm going to rip someone's head off. So many people close their minds to other ideas and ways of life, completely shut out the idea that maybe these other, different people aren't so bad. Maybe they're just people like anyone else. But instead of seeing PEOPLE we see fat bald nerdy bitchy twiggy loser skater burnout faggots. When do we learn to make these distinctions? Why would anyone want that kind of life? Don't they realize how much they're missing out on by closing the door on different generalizations? There are so many ideas out there. There are so many beautiful souls who are scared, who are shy or in pain, who are lonely, who are arrogant pricks sometimes to be sure, but even pricks have a reason for being what they are. Even pricks have thoughts and emotions.

SPEAK YOUR MIND. Go with your gut. Don't let any idiot tell you that you're doing things the wrong way because there is no wrong way.

Life is so simple. Wherever you are, whatever your situation, go with it, make the best of it. And if you're in a situation that you don't want to be in, if you are displeased with your station in life, then let go of the comfortable things that you have and go somewhere where you can find happiness. If you're not happy with where you are then what's the point in sticking around when there's such a huge, diverse world out there.

template lifted and modded without permission from Bobby Burgess, content � Adam D'Amalfi