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5:32 p.m. / July 14, 2005 - - yeah? just like that?

when i'm working a solo job at the factory, i like to use the first 2005 clicks of the counter as an excercise by trying to think of as many events in history for each of years that go by from 1 until then. i have about a 5% success rate.

it's amazing how quickly my hands and mind work together, how quickly they can correct a mistake made. today at work i missed a part. the cycle time is a half a second, and in a fraction of that i was able to decide that i needed another part, and by feeling it in my hands i was able to decide that i needed to be reversed, and then i was able to put it where it needed to go without losing my pace. sometimes i like to observe my actions from across the room as if i were another person, and i realize that maybe other people wouldn't find my feat all that amazing, but i certainly am not another person.

template lifted and modded without permission from Bobby Burgess, content � Adam D'Amalfi