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9:37 p.m. / March 30, 2005 - - huh? what?


girl: are you depressed?
adam: no.
girl: are you lying to me?
adam: ye- NO.

and then

girl: who is that?
adam: nobody.
girl: ...cheryl.
adam: no.
girl: yeah. what'd she say?
adam: i don't know
girl: don't lie to me motherfucker; i will kill you.
adam: i'm not.
girl: yes, you are
adam: yeah, i am.

and then after that

adam: shut-
girl: quit
adam: -silence-
girl: -up
adam: quit up?

and to top it off

adam: in the last four-thousand years, no new animals have been domesticated
adam: sound at the right vibration frequency can bore holes through a solid object
girl: i'm going to bore a hole through my pillow
adam: you can stop a sneeze by pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth
girl: these are some interesting fun facts
adam: these facts are not fun. the seriousness of these facts is
adam: -silence-
girl: -silence-
adam: ...big

it doesn't make much sense to me either.

template lifted and modded without permission from Bobby Burgess, content � Adam D'Amalfi