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3:04 a.m. / March 14, 2005 - - that was a good movie

anne is a friend who lives in minneapolis.

diognossus: so anne. for the past few days i've had this image just burned into my head. like, you know how sometimes you just can't shake it, no matter how hard you try, it won't go away?
diognossus: anyhow, that image is phoebe cates' perfectly tan heart-shaped ass
xpump upthe jams: phoebe cates??
diognossus: the girl from gremlins man!
xpump upthe jams: Lol
xpump upthe jams: and this is a problem?
diognossus: no
diognossus: i thought it would be cool to lead up to that though

template lifted and modded without permission from Bobby Burgess, content � Adam D'Amalfi