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2:33 a.m. / March 11, 2005 - - rimshot

writing in here as often as i do probably tells you something about my life. i am a child of the new generation. when i am at home, anyhow, i am attached at the fingertips to this device. in this world, i can be whoever i want to make myself out to be. i can lie and distort the truth and most people would never be able to tell.

i don't want to do that though. someone once told me that i wasn't as much a good painter as i was an interesting one. and a different someone told me that i wasn't as much a good writer as an honest one.

i want to write honestly. that is my goal here. there will certainly be things about my life which i leave out. some trivial, some important. i don't want to create falsehoods and call them facts, but i do not want to display all facts and destroy any mystery there may be. i want to observe things and write about them as i see them. i want to describe my world to people.

and create hilarious banners.

template lifted and modded without permission from Bobby Burgess, content � Adam D'Amalfi