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12:57 p.m. / December 20, 2006 - - -

i was on my way to work and was very late, very very late, and had to cruuuuise over to wisconsin lickety split. i stopped at a gas station to fill up somewhere on the other side of the border when these local boys harassed me from their hangout spot on the side of the building. they all looked and were behaving ghastly, belittling me and shaking crudly made weapons of pain at me. i tried to get into my car but shots were fired so i started to run towards the wilderness. i was shot by a small but powerful metal ball, through my ankle. the pain was excruciating but i had to make it to the wilderness before these people (i knew some of their names in the dream, but now they elude me) got to me. the car was not an option at this point as it was closer to them than me and i wanted to avoid death at that moment. i remember thinking, "i'm going to lose my job for sure, i'm so late"

i was in the brush panting heavily when they and some others, women and children, came to pass my vantage spot. the children seemed to notice me right away and it wasn't long before i had another rifle pointed at my face and was drug away to their collective home. there i ran around with futility and attempted to elude them in their own domain. they kept finding me and pointing guns at me, but they were always out of ammunition or the firing mechanism would prove ineffective. i asked them if they were human. i asked them why they were doing this. their responses were vague. after three guns not firing i became BETTER and all of us, my captors, myself, and for some reason wes adams, started walking down the dark road back to my car. i had a few chances to call law enforcement agencies or loved ones during the whole thing but for some reason i couldn't figure out my cell phone. one of my captors apologized to me as we ambled down the darkness, but i told him that i had been through a more intense terror. wes said something along the lines of, "yeah, you tried to figure out the programming behind free will. that'll get pretty crazy." and before i could say anything i woke up.

template lifted and modded without permission from Bobby Burgess, content � Adam D'Amalfi