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12:25 p.m. / July 14, 2006 - - Life is a dream that you envision in your head. It is the scariest thing you will ever know.

There is the distinct possibility that everything, all of this, everyone you have ever met, everyone you've ever thought you have met, is all made up. That this earth and everything on it is nothing more than one collective hallucination, that this waking life is really just a dream. Now I know that you think your nine to five job is real, that your friends around you are other real people rather than the manifestation of PART of the One Consciousness, but there is definitely the POSSIBILITY that nothing, none of this is what it seems. There is also the possibility that all of this is exactly how it seems. How can you tell? How can you trust your senses? Everything that you experience is through your own eyes, and other people around you are experiencing more or less the same thing, but through their eyes, with their own set of ideals behind them, their own experiences in the past, run-ins with peoples, what have you. You will never know what it is like to be somebody else.

Of course if there is only one of us, if everyone in this world is part of the One consciousness that flows through everything, then what will it take for that One consciousness to wake up and realize itself? What will it take for all of these seemingly seperate entities, all of these component parts that are the people, the creatures, the flora, the air, the water, what will it take for all of these component parts to realize that really, they are all everything else, that we are all interconnected? And what do you think will happen when we do reach that realization?

How can you know that the past, that history actually occured, if you aren't able to experience it firsthand but only the documentation of it? How do you know that right now, back then, and what's to come, how do you know that they're all seperate things. What's stopping you from experiencing anything, anywhere, at anytime? Past, present, and future are one. Learn to break down the barriers between them.

Now, you can and probably should just dismiss this as quackery because if you think about it for too long, you'll probably end up losing your mind (that you may or may not actually have)

template lifted and modded without permission from Bobby Burgess, content � Adam D'Amalfi