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3:17 p.m. / January 15, 2006 - - crying shame

i will never be home again until i alter my perception of what home is. somebody asked how i was today and this is what i said to them, "my tooth hurts. i don't have a car right now so i'm walking everywhere. i walked to perkins today and got coffee at the laker when i met a friend in the parking lot of the big P. i have a dragonfly stamp on my hand." and i wonder if other people give answers like that often. i don't like using staple answers. if you didn't want details put a limit on the answer, right? the dragonfly stamp is from a show at a community center. smoking prohibited in building- so i didn't see much of the show. but i saw alot of the parking lot, i was able to study it for a good hour and a half, even. there's not much hurry when you have no place to be. it would be nice to have a place to be sometimes. i wish i were needed somewhere. i feel inside out. coffee! moderation works, i guess, i've done well so far, and the delirium was missed. coffee talk is so much different from regular talk, pour some more in, stir, say something, sip, look around, hear response, respond in turn to it. the topics, really. why doesn't this stuff come up normally? what is it about coffee that unlocks a well of inanity? excuse me, miss, can you tell me the time? about three cigarettes to noon. highway speed for three miles to one pee-em.

template lifted and modded without permission from Bobby Burgess, content � Adam D'Amalfi