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11:43 p.m. / October 31, 2005 - - -

stoned drunk on a monday night everypne is gone now eating barbecue potato chips alone listening to joe strummer and the mescaler4os with my eyes closed typing and man am fucked upo but i miss her bpv if you know what i mean drunk dial goodbyte helloo drugs in the he3ad zN iw want tp eat the hello chair, eat it alone once again the music and the m0povei of con air cable tv let me die alone and in lovce wequal to the foreve plan timetosoberuptimetosoberuptimetosoberup snf ho nsv, yp trs;oyu yp yjr ju,m pg deahj

template lifted and modded without permission from Bobby Burgess, content � Adam D'Amalfi