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4:56 p.m. / August 02, 2005 - - -

again, the plant! i think it tastes like dill. behind a shed, did salvia leaves first though the friend's girlfriend, duffkins, she wouldn't try it, was too afraid. felt it, yes indeed, but the herb was much more intense. we drove down the freeway, my friend behind the wheel, to see a movie, a big, american explosion filled action film. the island, yeah, it was good, with 3d faces storming out of the screen at me but, really, the most intense thing was the trip there. driving in the car, on the freeway, the sun setting and illuminating aaron-friend's pale arms, his dark black hair and sunglasses, it felt like we were in a pulp comic, the colours matching exactly the style portrayed in them, so vivid. it felt like a cross between sin city and waking life, visually. the car was floating twenty feet above the high way and when i slept, my dreams were bizzare.

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