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2:15 a.m. / June 13, 2005 - - mashed together

this is kind of a secret, but only because i've never told anybody. right, it's not that i've made an effort to not tell people, but i haven't made an effort to. not even the person it concerns. see, whenever she updates, i read it, and i feel love. the sad kind where it hurts to read the words but god damn it if you don't still feel fuzzy.

found afforable shorts online. summer is here. i have a drug test and physical examination tomorrow, and after that, if it goes well, a full time six to three job. need new socks and my hamster's cage is really starting to smell of urine. iron-on t-shirts are all the rage here. sacreligious ones doubly so. i need people to talk to.

driving home earlier this morning i thought i saw an alien in the ditch but it was only a deer; i was still terrified.

template lifted and modded without permission from Bobby Burgess, content � Adam D'Amalfi