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3:55 a.m. / April 15, 2005 - - -

tonight a few keystrokes destroyed two years of writing. i feel clean with it blasted out into the abyss of non-existence. i've mentioned this, i'm sure that i have, but i used to be one of those people. the ones who obsessively hang on to every little scrap of personality they leave in their wake. every clever insight. every interesting story. it's easy to do that. to tell the same story over and over again. to drop the same joke in every new conversation. to mention the same life experience. and i want to remember many of these things, but i don't want to force myself to remember them by having a drawer full of scrawled upon pieces of paper or a desktop full of new wordpad documents. destroy them, i say to myself. experience new things, feel new things, see things in a different light and today at work all i could think was, 'hawaii'.

template lifted and modded without permission from Bobby Burgess, content � Adam D'Amalfi